Why Ruhewell?

We believe that no two migraine attacks or headaches are created equal, and that some days, we need an “arsenal” approach to find relief. This may require two products, or 10! We also know that it can take years to find what works and what doesn’t. That’s why Ruhewell offers a variety of natural products. Our products were built as a system to address the three primary phases - the onset, the actual migraine attack or headache, and the aftermath. We also find that Ruhewell products can even help you get ahead of any symptoms when used a few days prior to an anticipated migraine attack or headache. Ruhewell products can be used by themselves or layered with other remedies.

Can Ruhewell Be Used For Migraine attacks and Headaches?

Absolutely! Migraine attacks and headaches share many of the same symptoms - pain, fatigue, and nausea, to name a few. While the intensity may vary between a migraine attack and a headache, Ruhewell products were built to address symptoms for both.

Why Use Natural Products?

It can sometimes take a handful of products to find relief from a migraine attack or headache, and Ruhewell doesn’t at all discourage any remedy that helps you get through it! However, we believe that incorporating natural products into your migraine and headache care can go a long way toward soothing an achy head. Natural ingredients like peppermint, menthol, magnesium oil and eucalyptus have been used for centuries for migraine attack and headache relief - and for good reason!

Ruhewell Product Storage

For optimal efficacy and freshness, we recommend storing your Ruhewell products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. The jelly mask is the one exception - while it can be stored at room temperature with the rest of our products, it adds an extra cooling boost when kept in the refrigerator!

What Does “Ruhe” Mean?

Ruhe is a German word that means quiet, tranquility, calm - all descriptors someone with a migraine attack or headache would want to feel. Ruhewell was aptly named after this sentiment, and it’s our goal to bring that sense of calm and peace to you through our products when you are seeking relief.

Where Did Ruhewell Begin?

Ruhewell was brought to life in New York City by founder Jill Daneshpour. After suffering from migraine attacks for 12 years, Jill grew increasingly frustrated - not only because of the pain, but also because she felt the migraine and headache care industry was so disparate. She had to search dozens of different sites and stores to find products, and it took her years to learn what worked for her and what didn’t. She was also tired of making over-the-counter medications her first stop. As she experienced more migraine attacks, she realized that she needed multiple products to find relief and that there were three distinct phases - the onset, the actual migraine attack, and the aftermath. She also found that each phase of her migraine attack was soothed with a different remedy. All of these factors inspired Jill to create Ruhewell. She wanted to make a variety of natural products available that addressed the different phases, and could also be layered with each other, along with any already-existing remedies. Given she had spent so many years learning about her own migraines, she wanted to pass it on. That’s when Ruhewell was born.