The Story of Ruhewell


Laid up in bed with an intense migraine attack, Founder Jill Daneshpour scoured the various websites offering migraine relief. Yes, being in front of a computer is probably one of the worst things you can do during a migraine attack! However, she hit her limit and was desperate. Was there something out there she hadn’t yet discovered? She preferred a more natural approach to her migraine care after years of relying on over-the-counter medications, and was hopeful there may be something new. What she found instead is that she had to spend hours combing through various websites and that the products didn’t really provide any guidance on how to use them. It’s not always as simple as slathering something on. There are times where one product may be more beneficial than another depending on where you are in your migraine cycle. 

That’s when it hit her, or truthfully, when her Mom suggested she take her migraine experience to the next level. She should make a system of natural products that cater to different migraine phases and can be found in one place. No more jumping from site to site. No more making over-the-counter medications the first stop. That’s when Ruhewell was born.

She started experimenting and making products - some she had regularly used, some she had never tried before and others she had never seen available on the market. This was a personal revelation for Jill, who now had true structure and a plan around how to manage her migraine attacks. She hoped it would help others who were in her same position.

Ruhewell has been a true labor of love for Jill. After suffering with migraine attacks for 12 years, nothing could make her happier than to share her migraine arsenal with others. While there is no magic cure for migraine attacks (and some of them just don’t quit!) she takes a lot of solace knowing she has a line of products to call on for some natural soothing and comfort during the most uncomfortable times.


Spotlight on Migraine Attacks: Who Gets Them and Why